
12 Healthy Habits to Incorporate for an Exceedingly Good Life

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12 Healthy Habits to Incorporate for an Exceedingly Good Life

Good habits are the key to all success, Bad habits are the unlocked door to failure

-OG Mandino

Our habits are what make us.

They determine whether we get successful in life or not.

The biographies of successful people clearly show that they practiced productive and positive habits regularly to achieve the success they did in their life.

So for people looking to improve their life and achieve deep-rooted ambitions, here are 12 healthy habits that will aid you in your journey to success.

Early wake-up time
The importance of getting up early cannot be stressed enough.

Getting up early not only gives you a headstart in completing your tasks for the day but also the fresh morning atmosphere refreshes your mind.

This hour or two in the morning can be perfect for completing tasks like yoga, meditation, writing a book, going to the gym, etc.

Minimum 7 hours of sleep
Sleep is the most underrated of all things.
People take it for granted and proudly boast that they get through 5 hours of sleep everyday.
They don’t realise the long-term effects of sleep deprivation, falling prey to various physical and mental chronic diseases in the future.
A minimum of 7-8 hours of sleep everyday is crucial for optimal mental and physical health.
It is the time when your body and mind recharges itself for the rigours of the coming day.
A lack of sufficient sleep makes you feel lethargic and energyless, decreasing your productivity for the day.
Sleep deprivation can also have an adverse effect on learning, memory and logical reasoning.
Research has shown that not only does sleep enhance things like memory, but it also aids in boosting the longevity of life, increase awareness and spur creativity.

Nutritious breakfast
A healthy nutritious breakfast consisting of carbohydrates, protein and a little fat is absolutely essential for having a productive day.
Research has shown that men had lower incidences of heart disease by consuming breakfast regularly while women who skipped breakfast at least once a week were at an increased risk of developing Type II Diabetes.
In addition, a wholesome breakfast in the morning reduces your cravings for unhealthy food before lunch, thus aiding in weight loss.

High water intake

Drinking a big glass of water first thing in the morning is the best way to boost up your metabolism and hydrate your body after a long fast.
Drinking plenty of water throughout the day decreases your overall calorie intake by decreasing your appetite.
It also helps in keeping your brain sharp and increasing your overall productivity.

Healthy diet
Another habit that will have a significant effect on your life is following a healthy diet.

A healthy diet comprising of complex carbohydrates, lean protein and healthy fats powers you up throughout the day in all aspects(mental & physical).

Here are few of the health benefits of following a healthy diet:

1. High energy levels
2. Weight loss or maintenance
3. Improvement in mood
4. Enhanced life expectancy
5. Strengthened immune system
6. Good physique


Whether it is gym workouts, aerobic exercises like swimming and dancing or just plain jogging, daily exercise is absolutely essential for optimum physical and mental health.
Research has shown exercise to have the following health perks:
1. Control and reduce weight
2. Promote mental well-being
3. Cheer you up by the release of endorphins
4. Maintain healthy muscles, joints & bones
5. Decrease in risk of diabetes, heart disease and high blood pressure

Lot of walking
If not exercise, at least make it a habit to take a walk whenever possible, especially after meals.

Whether it is skipping the elevator and opting for the stairs or a simple morning walk, try to walk as much as possible to compensate for your lack of exercise.

Plan your day beforehand
Planning your tasks for the day ahead of time goes a long way in actually accomplishing them.

A proper plan equips you with all the armoury required for executing your tasks in the finest way possible, aiding you in reaching your goals in the long term.

Additionally it helps in saving time during the day, which you can further utilize to relax or spend with your family.


Meditation has the power to transform your life completely if practiced regularly.
All it takes is reserving a portion of your time daily for this beneficial practice.
Just sit down quietly, close your eyes and focus your attention on your breath.
Feel the inhalation and exhalation of air through your body.
Don’t try to justify your thoughts, let them drift by.
Just be present in the moment.
This is the easiest way to meditate which you can do almost anywhere, anytime.
Start by practicing daily for 10-15 minutes before increasing your time gradually.

Practice gratitude
There is always something to be grateful for.
You just need to reflect on your life and find it.
You will realise that you are privileged in a number of ways.
Practicing gratitude regularly is one of the healthiest habits you can inculcate in yourself.
There are a number of ways through which you can do it.
Here are some of them:
1. Make saying thank you a habit
2. Do something frequently to make your loved ones happy
3. Help others as much as possible
4. See mistakes as an opportunity to improve
5. Focus on your strengths

Spend time with loved ones

Spending time with friends and family is absolutely essential as there is nothing more important in life than your loved ones.

Reach out to those you love as much as possible.

This will not only make you happy, boosting your mental health but also enhance your relationships and create strong bonds.

Help people in need
Kindness is a virtue which everyone must follow.

It not only benefits the other person who is in need of help but also brings a smile on your face.

It gets you other people’s blessings while making you feel good about yourself.

Adopting all of these aforementioned habits will be a long process wherein you may find it difficult to follow all of them.

So the best way out of this situation would be to try and inculcate as many of these habits possible, before moving on to the remaining ones.

Once you get through this demanding initial phase and start following them regularly, the positive effects that you will see in your life will make you realize that all your strenuous efforts for adopting these habits were totally worth it.

12 Healthy Habits to Incorporate for an Exceedingly Good Life