
Tag: C Programming

Codeforces Round #382 (Div....

#include<iostream> #include<cstdio> #include<algorithm> #define N 3010 using namespace std; int n,m,f; struct ma{int x,y;}a; bool operator<(ma...

Codeforces Round #382 (Div....

#include <bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; const int N=2e3+1; int n,m,x,y; bitset<N*2> a; int...

Codeforces Round #382 (Div....

#include<stdio.h> int isprime(int n); int main(){ int n; scanf("%d",&n); if(n%2==1){ if(isprime(n)){ printf("1"); }else{ printf("%d",3-isprime(n-2)); } }else{ printf("%d",1+(n>2)); } return 0; } int isprime(int n){ int i,j; for(i=2;i*i<=n;i++){ if(n%i==0){ return...

Codeforces Round #382 (Div....

#include<stdio.h> main() { long long int n,i,j,c=0,a,b,k; scanf("%I64d",&n); a=1; b=1; k=a+b; while(k<=n) { c++; ...

Codeforces Round #382 (Div....

#include<stdio.h> #include<stdlib.h> int cmp(const void*a,const void*b) { return *(int*)b-*(int*)a; } int w; int main() { int n,n1,n2; scanf("%d%d%d",&n,&n1,&n2); for(int i=0;i<n;i++) scanf("%d",&w); qsort(w,n,sizeof(w),cmp); if(n1>n2) { int...

Codeforces Round #382 (Div....

  #include<stdio.h> int b,d; int main(){ int i,s,n,k,t; scanf("%d%d",&n,&k); char x; for(i=1;i<=n;i++){ scanf(" %c",&x); if(x=='G')s=i; if(x=='T')t=i; if(x=='#')b=1; } for(i=s;i<=n;i+=k){ if(b) break; d=1; } for(i=s;i>=1;i-=k){ if(b) break; d=1; } if(d) printf("YES"); else printf("NO"); }

Codeforces Round #381 (Div....

Hi guys , I just solved the fifth problem...

Codeforces Round #381 (Div....

Hi guys , I just solved the third problem...

Codeforces Round #381 (Div....

Hi guys , I just solved the second problem...

Codeforces Round #381 (Div....

Hi guys , I just solved the first problem...

Codeforces Round #380 (Div....

Hi Guys , I Just Tried to solve the...

CodeForces Round #379 (Div....

Hey guys I just tried the Anton and Tree...

