In an era of digital art, graphic design trends can evaporate as fast as they emerge. What was modern over the past couple of years may look entirely outdated in 2018. Some trends have, however, stood the test of time. So if you are looking for an antonym of boring then it would be the Major Graphic Design Trends of 2018:
The “Glitch” Effect:
The corrupted image, otherwise known as the glitch effect is one of the most popular trends in the digital world as of late. It was once annoying for the spectators but, apparently, it has now turned into a wanted effect.
Horror movie fans have been familiar with the effect for quite some time now. The year 2018 is the time when these corrupted images take over graphic design world as well.
The “Ruined” Effect:
As much as we have come to know, contemporary graphic designers have had an obsession with the art of destroying. Everything which includes splashing, scratching, ripping off or any other form of ruining the aesthetics of a composition is considered modern.
“Color Channels” Effect:
Playing a bit with the colors have always been up the alley for graphic designers. This technique lets the designers create great illusional effects. A holograph, a hallucination, a distorted reality, all of these are highly influential on the viewers.
Double Exposure Duotone:
“I’m seeing double” is no longer a post-liqueur effect. This trend as the name suggests is a hybrid of Double Exposure and Duotone. It also applies Color Channels. Designers get to double the image or use two different overlapping images in monochrome colors. In this way, designers achieve an “ahead-of-its-time” effect.
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Double Light:
This effect will transform simple compositions into new edgy, modern looking ones. Double light is an effect that is achievable through two actual sources of light or color channel splitting.
Negative Space Designs:
In its nature, negative space is an empty space in the design. It forms a certain distinctive shape.
Negative Space Typography:
Most obvious is the fact that designers will make a mixture of negative space and topography and they have. The elements from the back come to the front through the wording.
That was most of Major Graphic Design Trends of 2018. Which one do you like?