
Codeforces Round #412 (rated, Div. 1, based on VK Cup 2017 Round 3), problem: (F) Test Data Generation, Accepted Solution In C/C++

#define ll long long

ll multmod(ll a, ll b, ll moder){
 a = (a % moder + moder) % moder, b = (b % moder + moder) % moder;
 ll ret = 0;
 for ( ; b; b >>= 1){
 if (b & 1){
 ret = ret + a >= moder ? ret + a - moder : ret + a;
 a = a << 1 > moder ? (a << 1) - moder : a << 1;
 return ret;

template <typename T> 
class modequa{
 T remain, moder;
 modequa <T>(){}
 modequa <T>(T remain, T moder) : remain(remain), moder(moder){}
 T getremain(){return remain;}
 T getmoder(){return moder;}
 void setvalue(T remain, T moder){
 this -> remain = remain;
 this -> moder = moder;
 modequa <T> crt(const modequa <T> &p){
 T gcd = moder, x = 1, y = 0;
 for (T b = p.moder, x1 = 0, y1 = 1, r, s; b; ){
 r = x, s = y;
 x = x1, y = y1, x1 = r - x1 * (gcd / b), y1 = s - y1 * (gcd / b);
 r = gcd % b, gcd = b, b = r;
 if ((p.remain - remain) % gcd) return modequa <T>(0, 0);
 T lcm = moder / gcd * p.moder;
 T ans = (p.remain - remain) / gcd;
 ans = multmod(multmod(ans, x, lcm), moder, lcm);
 ans += remain;
 ans += ans < 0 ? lcm : ans >= lcm ? -lcm : 0;
 return modequa <T>(ans, lcm);

// Èç¹ûÄ£Êý²»ÊÇÖÊÊý£¬ÄÇô»ù±¾¾ÍÖ»ÄÜ×ö¼Ó¼õ³ËºÍÇóµ¼ÁËorz 
class poly{
 int *a;
 int length, size;
 int moder, root, invroot;
 // ³£ÓõÄÁ½×éÄ£ÊýΪ ((119 << 23) + 1, 3, 332748118) ºÍ ((479 << 21) + 1, 3, 334845270)

 int powermod(int a, int exp, int moder)const &{
 int ret = 1;
 for ( ; exp; exp >>= 1){
 if (exp & 1){
 ret = 1ll * a * ret % moder;
 a = 1ll * a * a % moder;
 return ret;
 void NTT(int *a, int length, int type, int moder, int root)const &{
 int len = -1;
 for (int x = length; x; ++ len, x >>= 1);
 for(int i = 1, j = 0; i < length - 1; ++ i){
 for(int s = length; j ^= s >>= 1, ~j & s; );
 if(i < j){
 std::swap(a[i], a[j]);
 for (int i = 1; i <= len; ++ i){
 int unit = powermod(root, moder - 1 >> i, moder);
 for (int j = 0; j < length; j += 1 << i){
 int w = 1;
 for (int k = j, szk = 1 << i - 1; k < j + szk; ++ k){
 int s = a[k], t = 1ll * w * a[k + szk] % moder;
 a[k] = s + t >= moder ? s + t - moder : s + t;
 a[k + szk] = s - t < 0 ? s - t + moder : s - t;
 w = 1ll * w * unit % moder;
 if (type == 1) return;
 int inv = powermod(length, moder - 2, moder);
 for (int i = 0; i < length; ++ i){
 a[i] = 1ll * a[i] * inv % moder;
 void apply(int size){
 if (!size) return;
 a = new int [size]();
 this -> size = size;
 void destroy(){
 if (!size) return;
 delete [] a;
 a = nullptr;
 void resize(int size){
 if (!size) return;
 int *aux = a;
 a = new int [size]();
 memcpy(a, aux, sizeof(int) * (length + 1));
 if (this -> size) delete [] aux;
 this -> size = size;

 poly() : length(-1), moder(0), root(0), invroot(0){a = nullptr;}
 // Èç¹ûÄ£Êý·ÇNTTÖÊÊý root ºÍ invroot Ëæ±ãÉè¾ÍºÃÀ±~ 
 poly(int length, int moder, int root, int invroot):length(length), moder(moder), root(root), invroot(invroot){apply(length + 2 << 1);}
 poly(const poly &p):length(p.length), moder(p.moder), root(p.root), invroot(p.invroot){apply(p.size); memcpy(a, p.a, sizeof(int) * (p.length + 1));}
 poly(const poly &p, int length):length(length), moder(p.moder), root(p.root), invroot(p.invroot){apply(length + 2 << 1); memcpy(a, p.a, sizeof(int) * (std::min(length, p.length) + 1));}
 void clear(){destroy(); length = -1, size = moder = root = invroot = 0;}
 int &operator [](int n){return a[n];}
 int getlength(){return length;}
 void setmoder(int moder, int root, int invroot){this -> moder = moder, this -> root = root, this -> invroot = invroot;}
 int getmoder(){return moder;}
 void setlength(int length){
 if (length >= size) resize(length + 2 << 1);
 if (length >= this -> length){
 this -> length = length;
 memset(a + length + 1, 0, sizeof(int) * (this -> length - length));
 this -> length = length;
 poly &operator = (const poly &p){
 length = p.length;
 moder = p.moder;
 root = p.root;
 invroot = p.invroot;
 memcpy(a, p.a, sizeof(int) * (length + 1));
 return *this;
 // Ï൱ÓÚ³ËÒÔ x ^ dis
 poly operator << (const int &dis)const &{
 poly ret(length + dis, moder, root, invroot);
 memcpy(ret.a + dis, a, sizeof(double) * (length + 1));
 return ret;
 // Ï൱ÓÚ³ýÒÔ x ^ dis
 poly operator >> (const int &dis)const &{
 if (dis > length) return poly(-1, moder, root, invroot);
 poly ret(length - dis, moder, root, invroot);
 memcpy(ret.a, a + dis, sizeof(int) * (ret.length + 1));
 return ret;
 int value(int x){
 int now = 1, ret = 0;
 for (int i = 0; i <= length; ++ i){
 ret = (ret + 1ll * a[i] * now) % moder;
 now = 1ll * now * x % moder;
 return ret;
 poly operator + (const poly &p)const &{
 if (!~length) return p;
 if (!~p.length) return *this;
 poly ret(*this, std::max(length, p.length));
 for (int i = 0; i <= p.length; ++ i){
 ret.a[i] += p.a[i];
 ret.a[i] -= ret.a[i] >= moder ? moder : 0;
 for ( ; ~ret.length && !ret.a[ret.length]; -- ret.length)
 return ret;
 poly operator - (const poly &p)const &{
 if (!~length) return p;
 if (!~p.length) return *this;
 poly ret(*this, std::max(length, p.length));
 for (int i = 0; i <= p.length; ++ i){
 ret.a[i] -= p.a[i];
 ret.a[i] += ret.a[i] < 0 ? moder : 0;
 for ( ; ~ret.length && !ret.a[ret.length]; -- ret.length)
 return ret;
 poly operator - ()const &{
 poly ret(length, moder, root, invroot);
 for (int i = 0; i <= length; ++ i){
 ret.a[i] = a[i] ? moder - a[i] : 0;
 return ret;
 poly operator * (const poly &p)const &{
 if (!~length || !~p.length) return poly(-1, moder, root, invroot);
 int n = length + p.length;
 int lengthret = 1;
 for ( ; lengthret <= n; lengthret <<= 1)
 int *aux = new int [lengthret]();
 int *aux1 = new int [lengthret]();
 memcpy(aux, a, sizeof(int) * (length + 1));
 memcpy(aux1, p.a, sizeof(int) * (p.length + 1));
 NTT(aux, lengthret, 1, moder, root);
 NTT(aux1, lengthret, 1, moder, root);
 for (int i = 0; i < lengthret; ++ i){
 aux[i] = 1ll * aux[i] * aux1[i] % moder;
 NTT(aux, lengthret, -1, moder, invroot);
 poly ret(n, moder, root, invroot);
 memcpy(ret.a, aux, sizeof(int) * (n + 1));
 delete [] aux;
 delete [] aux1;
 return ret;
 ///*-------------------- ÕâÊÇÄ£Êý·ÇNTTÖÊÊýµÄÄ£°å£¬Çë°´ÐèÈ¡ÓÃ~ ------------------------------
 poly operator *(const poly &p)const &{
 const int multmoder[2] = {(119 << 23) + 1, (479 << 21) + 1};
 const int multroot[2] = {3, 3};
 const int multinvroot[2] = {332748118, 334845270};
 if (!~length || !~p.length) return poly(-1, moder, root, invroot);
 int n = length + p.length;
 int lengthret = 1;
 for ( ; lengthret <= n; lengthret <<= 1)
 int *aux = new int [lengthret]();
 int *aux1 = new int [lengthret]();
 int *aux2 = new int [lengthret]();
 memcpy(aux, a, sizeof(int) * (length + 1));
 memcpy(aux2, p.a, sizeof(int) * (p.length + 1));
 NTT(aux, lengthret, 1, multmoder[0], multroot[0]);
 NTT(aux2, lengthret, 1, multmoder[0], multroot[0]);
 for (int i = 0; i < lengthret; ++ i){
 aux[i] = 1ll * aux[i] * aux2[i] % multmoder[0];
 NTT(aux, lengthret, -1, multmoder[0], multinvroot[0]);
 memcpy(aux1, a, sizeof(int) * (length + 1));
 memset(aux2, 0, sizeof(int) * lengthret);
 memcpy(aux2, p.a, sizeof(int) * (p.length + 1));
 NTT(aux1, lengthret, 1, multmoder[1], multroot[1]);
 NTT(aux2, lengthret, 1, multmoder[1], multroot[1]);
 for (int i = 0; i < lengthret; ++ i){
 aux1[i] = 1ll * aux1[i] * aux2[i] % multmoder[1];
 NTT(aux1, lengthret, -1, multmoder[1], multinvroot[1]);
 poly ret(n, moder, root, invroot);
 for(int i = 0; i <= n; ++ i){
 modequa <ll> equa(aux[i], multmoder[0]), equb(aux1[i], multmoder[1]);
 ret.a[i] = equa.crt(equb).getremain() % moder;
 delete [] aux;
 delete [] aux1;
 delete [] aux2;
 return ret;
 poly operator * (const int &p)const &{
 int q = (p % moder + moder) % moder;
 if (!q) return poly(-1, moder, root, invroot);
 poly ret(length, moder, root, invroot);
 for (int i = 0; i <= length; ++ i){
 ret.a[i] = 1ll * a[i] * q % moder;
 return ret;
 friend poly operator * (const int &q, const poly &p){return p * q;}
 poly &operator += (const poly &p){*this = *this + p; return *this;}
 poly &operator -= (const poly &p){*this = *this - p; return *this;}
 poly &operator *= (const poly &p){*this = *this * p; return *this;}
 poly &operator *= (const int &p){*this = *this * p; return *this;}

const int N = 100;

int maxn, maxa, moder;
int q[N];

int main(){
 scanf("%d%d%d", &maxn, &maxa, &moder);
 if (maxa == 1){
 return printf("0\n"), 0;
 int cnt = 0;
 for (maxa >>= 1; maxa; maxa >>= 1){
 q[cnt ++] = maxa;
 std::reverse(q, q + cnt);
 int ans = 1;
 poly a(maxn, moder, 0, 0);
 poly b(maxn, moder, 0, 0);
 a[0] = 1;
 b[1] = 1;
 for (int i = 0; i < cnt - 1; ++ i){
 poly ret1(a);
 ret1 = (ret1 + b) * (q[i] & 1 ? b : a);
 if (q[i] & 1 ? b[0] : a[0]){
 ret1 -= b;
 ret1 += a;
 poly ret2(a);
 ret2 = (ret2 + b) * (q[i] & 1 ? a : b);
 if (q[i] & 1 ? a[0] : b[0]){
 ret2 -= a;
 ret2 += b;
 if (q[i + 1] & 1){
 a = ret1;
 for (int i = 1; i <= maxn; ++ i){
 b[i] = (ret2[i] + ret1[i - 1] + ret2[i - 1]) % moder;
 a = ret1;
 b = ret2;
 for (int i = 1; i <= maxn; i += 2){
 ans = (ans + b[i]) % moder;
 return printf("%d\n", ans), 0;



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