Ok, to get to the point of Monday Night Rollins, we will have to go back a few months. The Shield reunion was one of the highlights of 2017. But, then Ambrose got injured and Roman was being pushed as a solo act as well. So WWE Creative Team decided to put Jason Jordan in a tag team with Seth Rollins. And soon enough, Jordan got injured before they could pull the heel turn button on him. That left very little options for Rollins other than just going out and doing what he does best-and that’s putting on amazing matches. So when Rollins started pursuing a solo career again, WWE decided to give him the moniker-Monday Night Rollins. However, even that is not living up to the expectations. Let’s take a look at Why Monday Night Rollins Isn’t Working?
Mic Skills:
Admittedly Seth Rollins has better mic skills than most babyfaces on either roster. Even then, reading out the same old scripts week-in and week-out ultimately leave the crowd wanting something extra. When Rollins was the heel champion in 2015, he was overexposed. While that may have lead to his injury, it certainly showcased his superior mic skills. You can argue that he had bit more of a free reign on the mic as a heel compared to his babyface run.
Character work:
Sure, this is the case with Finn Balor as well but, Seth Rollins has massive issues with the character work. The overall presentation of the KingSlayer character is pretty average at best. When you look back at the Attitude Era and the Ruthless Aggression Era, even the mid-card wrestlers had a pretty decent gimmick that could be taken seriously. But what about Rollins’ gimmick? In the fast case, what is his gimmick as a babyface? What are the selling points of his Monday Night Rollins gimmick? Every week he just comes out and cuts a very bland promo or wrestles the same guy over and over. And it seems that the crowd may as well give up on Rollins as soon as guys like Adam Cole and Roderick Strong get a main roster call-up.
You are reading about Why Monday Night Rollins Isn’t Working?
In 2015, it seemed as if John Cena had given everything he had to offer to the fans and the company. But then, he won the US Championship at Wrestlemania and went on to host the John Cena US Open Challenge. During this time, Cena would face random opponents from the roster and it would give each of them a chance to showcase their ability inside the ring. This gave much-needed screentime to a lot of the wrestlers who previously were held back. It also showed the fans that Cena had more than the 5 moves of Doom and that he could actually wrestle quite well on his own against technical wrestlers.
What Rollins needs to do right now is to emulate some of that magic of Cena and hold his own Intercontinental Championship Open Challenge. This would effectively take off the pressure of performing on the mic and he will not have to work that hard to improve his character work. And since the goal is to have an Ambrose vs Rollins rivalry once Ambrose gets back they can do continue to have him defend the title every night on the show.
Why Monday Night Rollins Isn’t Working? Do you agree with these points? Tell us in the comments below.